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My Gay Flip-Flop

Recently, I was asked by a devout Christian if I still held the same views about gay marriage as I did when I wrote my book, Dear Danuta while working at the Christian Broadcast Network. In that book of advice I warned that the Bible was "filled with warnings" against homosexuality and that "any minister who tried to tap dance out of it is a liar," and that "You would have to be blind not to see it." Those statements remain true as far as the Bible goes. But, what is not so clear to me is the authority of the Bible itself.

The cynical side of me says the Bible was written by at least forty men, compromised and argued by Popes and councils and princes and Kings and royal propagandists with varying political and personal agendas. The prevailing view among fundamentalists is that God inspired these men by divine guidance and that the assemblage of scriptures became the miraculous revelation of God by God with a little help from His friends.

The idealistic side of me says it is an ancient treasury of parables and allegories, poems and proverbs, songs and narratives. For sixteen centuries this compliation of 66 books has served as a metaphorical version of the human journey intended to help us discover the divine spark that dwells within us and unites us all.

I no longer consider the Bible the inerrant word of God and I prefer those scriptures that call for unity over divisiveness and love over everything. You have probably noticed from my new book, Chiseled, that I am renewed in my spiritual journey. Much has happened along my path since my simple years of certainties and absolutes. While my beliefs 30 years ago may have been comforting to a narrow view of my place and purpose in the universe, the vista from my window these days is broader and more encompassing. If there is a God, that Great Mind is not constricted to the mortal dogmas of man, nor cares about what name you use to define It, nor the shape or color or locale of the church if one wishes to worship. As for gay marriage, if one wishes to love without harm, who am I to judge? Love is, after all, the greatest commandment. I do not recall amendments or conditions to that decree.

Today, I can't imagine Jesus booting anyone out of the dining room for loving the "wrong" person.

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