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 Finalist "2021 Best Book Award"

American Book Fest 

Runner Up 2021 "Historical Fiction Book of the Year"
Historical Fiction Company

Eric Hoffer "Grand Prize Short List"



International Gold Medal Winner

2018 Readers' Favorite International Award

Gold Medal Non-Fiction, Audiobook


2016 Eric Hoffer Finalist Award

The Eric Hoffer Award honors the memory of the great American philosopher Eric Hoffer by highlighting salient writing, as well as the independent spirit of small publishers. Since its inception, the Hoffer has become one of the largest international book awards for small, academic, and independent presses.


International Gold Medal Winner

2015 Readers' Favorite International Award

Gold Medal-Non-Fiction Book, Drama


The 23rd Annual Writer's Digest Self-Published Awards

"Chiseled by Danuta Pfeiffer is a compelling memoir. Pfeiffer is an excellent storyteller and has an inner strength that served her well. . .a powerful voice, a talented writer and her story well-told."

Chiseled, A Memoir of Identity, Duplicity and Divine Wine



The Register Guard
C-Span to feature City of Eugene and author Danuta Pfeiffer in June, 2017
Religion and Politics
The Oregonian Live

Oregon winery owner's astonishing past life reads like fast-moving fiction.

The Anchorage Daily Press
From escaping her father’s wrath in Michigan to refuge in Anchorage to
stardom on The 700 Club to surviving a tormented marriage to co-owning
a successful winery in the Willamette Valley, Pfeiffer’s life has been, if nothing
else—a modern day fairy tale.
San Diego Union-Tribune
Diane Bell

Danuta is back.

The co-host of KFMB TV’s old morning “Sun Up” show is in town. This time,

instead of interviewing show guests, she is telling her story.

Eugene Oregon's Register Guard

We couldn't be more delighted with the front page!


"It’s been 27 years since Pfeiffer, then known as Danuta Soderman, was a co-host of “The 700 Club” on CBN, the Christian Broadcasting Network.

But the stories about the five years she worked alongside Robertson, the conservative Christian media mogul and one-time Republican presidential candidate, are central to Pfeiffer’s new book, “Chiseled,” a self-published memoir that holds nothing back in its revelations . . .


The Times of San Diego

 Pictures and video by Ken Stone for the Times of San Diego


Oregon Wine Press Magazine

Hilary Berg


Danuta Pfeiffer publishes gripping memoir...

The Presidio Sentinel

"TV Personality "Danuta" writes tell all."

Coronado Eagle and Journal

If you’re a long-time resident of Coronado, you’ll remember Danuta, a forever neighbor.

Danuta! Yes, that cheerful, vivacious co-host of KFMB-TV’s “Sun-up San Diego” is easy to remember. Her new, stunning autobiography reveals that her life, while adventurous and remarkable, has too-often been tragic and challenging. . .


Alaska Dispatch News

"Reading the North: Chiseled



June 3-4 National Spotlight Interview
KMTR TV, Eugene
National Spotlight Coming
C-SPAN to feature "Chiseled"
San Diego 6CW
The former co-host of The 700 Club with Pat Robertson, Danuta Pfeiffer, with her new memoir "Chiseled" and shares her wine-making life after hosting.
KFMB-TV, San Diego


KPTV Fox 12, Portland

"Former 700 Club host Danuta Pfeiffer discusses her new memoir 'Chiseled.'"


KLCC 89.7  NPR for Oregon

Listen to my interview on KLCC, 89.7 NPR for Oregon which aired on Tuesday, April 21st during The Takeaway, with Eric Alan.

KPRI Radio with Chris Cantore
San Diego
KOGO-San Diego

"Cliff Albert of KOGO Am Radio San Diego Interviews Danuta of Sun Up Fame"


The Sitting Room with Kathy Chiero
610 WTVN
Columbus, Ohio

Click here for the Chiseled interview that covered 80% of Ohio's listening audience.





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